The Outer Bridge
Scott Brock
When I was a student at UCLA, the following was inscribed on an arch at Royce Hall: "Education is learning to use the tools which the race has found indispensable." I was profoundly affected by that, and it is knowledge (education) which is is the fundamental raison d'etre for the entire PERMANENCE project itself.
Shortly, this site will begin to allow you to become a registered user. Registered users can donate to receive, among other goodies, Photoshop actions for recombining your own separations into composites, or for taking existing (final) composites and making separations from them.
Soon, you will be able to donate knowledge which you may have deemed as “that which is indespensable”. And I value that - and the sharing of it - as precious as life itself.
The more I discover, the more gifts I will be able to offer. The current target of my ultimate exploration is for making a color photographic print that will last ten thousand years.
Stay tuned!